No. 76. Whew, still have 24 barbarians to go. I better start thinking of another project.
Used ink tonight. I found a fountain pen of my wife's, cleaned it out and screwed around with it for the evening. I think I would like it more if the tip was sharper like a crowquill pen. Just a little finer. The ink was also a little thinner, but I think that's just residual soap and water I used to clean it.
Speaking of cleaning....
Okay, I got nothin' with that. How about....
Just the other day I was thinking...
Who cares? It's late. We should all go to bed.
Used ink tonight. I found a fountain pen of my wife's, cleaned it out and screwed around with it for the evening. I think I would like it more if the tip was sharper like a crowquill pen. Just a little finer. The ink was also a little thinner, but I think that's just residual soap and water I used to clean it.
Speaking of cleaning....
Okay, I got nothin' with that. How about....
Just the other day I was thinking...
Who cares? It's late. We should all go to bed.
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