Friends 4 Ever

A screen printing friend of mine created a poster that we had framed an hung in our hallway. The title is, "Don't go alone, go with a friend." I love that sentiment.

I've never had a whole lot of fun traveling alone. Sure, you can still see the sights and do fun things. You can meet new people and make new friends, but isn't it great when you go somewhere with a friend? I think you tend to just enjoy the whole experience more. You can discuss all the cool things you're seeing. Have a wingman to help you meet new people. Have cocktails and not look pathetic and alone (at least until one of you gets too drunk, yells at the waiter about his snooty attitude, tell him that the drinks are probably watered down, and then, as the two of you are thrown into the street you fall down and think to yourself, "Hey, we got to skip out on the check, sweet!" But I digress.). Yes, traveling with a friend is always better.

Today's image reminded me of that. That, and the fact that I need to draw more animals. Maybe tomorrow I'll draw gorillas? Or a leopard? We'll see.

How about that Billy Joel/Elton John concert, huh? (Stay with me, we're all adults here and segues are for babies.) I didn't go to the concert at Wrigley Field, but everyone I talked to said it was fantastic. Judging from the amount of people in the streets and the insane traffic jamming up my early evening drive I can tell you the economy is on it's way back.

And speaking of music, some of you who have been through it before will be happy to hear that I am redigitizing my entire CD library due to last weeks apparent suicide of my back up hard drive. It seems it had been depressed for some time because of it's "back up" status. I guess I should have let it be the main hard drive every now and then.

At least that's what the guy at Best Buy seemed to imply. I saw him right before I checked out with the new hard drive and it looked like he was relating my sad story to some colleagues of his. They were pointing in my direction and smiling. I think they understood what I was going through.

Well, I'm off to find some gorilla reference, walk my dog and think about how to let the new back up hard drive know that I am it's friend and I would love for it not to die like it's predecessor. Maybe I'll take it back to that one bar with the snooty waiter?



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