July in Chicago, weird.

Hello again,

It's Wednesday, okay, technically it's very early Thursday, but who's counting? Keeping up with this blog business is a lot of work.

Tonight I drew an image I'm calling July in Chicago. Why? Well, for most of the last two weeks we've been having trouble getting over the 70 degree mark, IN JULY?
I must admit I'm torn. The side of me that may actually care about what happens to our planet is starting to think that global climate change could ultimately hurt us. The part of me that hates to have his nether regions sweating profusely for 3 months every year, not so much. I know the debate rages on about what is and isn't good for the planet, but I am no scientist or political nutjob so I'll stay out of it and just say, "Man, it's weird."

Let's talk about weird.

Hairless cats. Tofurkey. Sarah Palin. Weird.

  1. involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny
  2. fantastic, bizarre
I find a lot of things weird or at least strange, but the thing is I like weird. I know my wife likes weird because, I believe, she likes me and I'm weird. I play D&D, stay up too late, draw silly pictures and argue over the stupidest things. I don't care what anyone says in a one on one streetfight the Hulk beats Superman every time because the madder he gets the stronger he gets, but I digress.

I think we all need to be a little more tolerant of what it is we find weird, uncanny or bizarre. I know many people who don't believe the things that I believe, but they're still my friends. I know a lot of people who dress differently than me, talk differently than me, aren't left-handed. Like I say weird, but I try not to let those differences drive me away. I usually just make fun of them and they respond in kind.

Our planet has over 6 billion people on it. If I only hung out with the left-handed, sandal wearing, bald dudes, who think the Hulk is stronger than Superman (in a certain context) I'm pretty sure it would be a very small group. A good group, but a very strange group with nothing really to talk about.

Think about it.



  1. What is weird is for current humans (meaning the three or four generations that are currently inhabiting the planet) to have the audacity to assume that the climate is changing, deteriorating, warming, cooling, etc, based on what our activities are.

    The earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old. Humans have been on earth somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 years. Meaning the ENTIRE time we've been here to observe the earth is .0000444.

    So for humans of the last 25 years to assume what is happening with the climate is ludicrous. The current warming could be a part of a larger cooling trend, if stretched over 100, 1000, 0r 10,000 years. We simply do not know, nor can predict. Therefore, it comes down to politics with opposing sides arming themselves with scientists. these scientists can only go back 100 years for complete records in weather and longer for precipitation. The England and Wales Precipitation series, which measures rainfall and snow, goes back to 1766, and the Central England Temperature series, which covers the temperature from the south Midlands to Lancashire, is the longest-running record in the world, dating from 1659. Still that is ONLY 350 years out of 4.6 billion. So what is "normal"?

    Weird, huh?


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