The battle rages on.

Tonight our barbarian has encountered more barbarians in the swamp. Who knows which way this will go?

I drew tonight's image mostly during a meeting I had today. I was there to observe and help figure out where to go after the meeting. I started drawing this picture as I watched and listened to other people at the agency fight boldly against the onslaught that is a confused client.

The battle was amazing. I saw some people from this client last week send the agency in one direction. Was in a meeting yesterday where we were told we were heading this right direction and today found out that that both of those directions, while interesting, really had nothing to do with what the client wanted. I had to laugh. Not because this was a strange client, but because I have seen this so many times over the years it's as though they are all one big client.

Now, I don't have an MBA, and I'm never one to say that I'm the brightest bulb in the room, in fact I usually will tell you that I'm not really that smart, but I gotta tell you if the one eyed man is the king in the land of the blind how come I'm not president or Chief Marketing Officer of some multi-billion dollar corporation?

I can't quite figure it. I've sat in more meetings over the years and listened to people ramble on worse than me on a beer bender watching the news. It just boggles the mind.

Maybe it's because I don't have any high fallootin' degrees that I can't see the logic in wasted time and silly arguments? Maybe I just don't understand the real reason to choose a target then make sure that your marketing pieces are so broad as to try and encompass everyone with a thought pattern? Maybe I just can't see the genius that is running around in circles?

At least it always prove amusing and I give props to anyone that can hang in a meeting like that and still see the good coming out the other end. As for me, well, I tend to think that if it feels like you're wasting money then, chances are, you are wasting money.

If anyone can explain to me differently and help me understand the ways of big business I would love to hear it, because right now I am just as confused as I have always been.



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