I drew a few images today. All of wrestling. All I could think of was the state of the country right now as people spit venom at each other and wrestle vehemently over the issues of the day. I don't know about you, but it seems like much ado about some important things, but mostly just arguing for arguments sake.

Whatever. I draw my pictures, look for work and regale you with stories and opinions you probably don't care about, but you have nothing better to do and it makes me happy that you show up. Thank you for your support.

Now, what shall we discuss? Naked men wrestling? Seems tawdry. Politics? Yawn. How about connecting with those around you, but not in the, "Ha, I've got you in a vice-like grip of death.", but in a, "We don't talk enough, maybe we should have a cocktail?" sort of way.

I met some old friends last night at a local pub. One of them had come into town from San Francisco for a few days and he pulled together a few people I haven't seen in long time. It was great fun. Catching up, laughing about old times and generally enjoying each others company.

It's something I think we don't do enough. Not drinking, I do plenty of that for all of us, but getting together with people we appreciate. Your life gets busy and you really only have two evenings in each week to get together with anybody. Life can be hectic.

Well, I'm going to try and change that a little bit in my life. I am going to try and get together with people I haven't seen in a long time at least once per month for the next year and see how it goes. How hard could it be? Send out an email, place a phone call, go have a few drinks, lunch or have people over for dinner. I gotta eat and drink anyway, might as well have some kind of structure.

Ooh, this sounds very bold right now as I am not much of a planner, but you gotta start sometime I suppose. I'll keep you posted on whether or not I'm actually getting it done. Who knows, some of you might have made the list.

Wow, listening to John Williams on the ITunes, brings back memories of Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Good times.

Memory is a funny thing, I can remember whole scenes out of movies I haven't seen in ages, but my mother's phone number eludes me. I guess I just let my phone remember the important things and I keep all the goofy stuff in my head.

As a matter of fact, reading the preview of this post, and a few of the previous ones it must be hard to keep up with the ramblings of the insane. Try living in this head for a week, it's like a rafting trip through idiottown. All a jumble, lots of screaming and whole bunch of fun.

Well, I'm off to a networking event with a bunch of "green" companies. Better keep mum about my love of chlorofluorocarbons.

In the immortal words of Bette Davis, "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!"



  1. You could have at least told me I was going to have to organize a party once a month for the next year before made a big fat public promise about it. ;-)


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