A little risk

Another rough sketch of our intrepid fisherman as he goes after his lunch. Looks like tough work. But yum, sushi, if he does it right.

I'm very tired today. Maybe it's the heat? Who knows. Did you ever have one of those days where everything is going great, you're running around like a madman, but at the end you feel like you didn't do enough? You didn't accomplish anything?

I spent the entire day concepting TV spots with a new freelance partner, came home, made dinner and drew some storyboards. None of it too taxing, but it was a busy day, and yet, at the end, I still feel as if I accomplished nothing. No one said that I hadn't accomplished anything. No one complained about anything I had or hadn't done. I just feel, in my own head, that nothing really got done. Ugh, I hate it when my own brain is my biggest obstacle. Don't you?

Don't you hate it when your own mind conspires against you? Like whenever I try to create on high quality paper.

It seems to me that every time I sketch or draw on a napkin, the back of something, a newspaper, whatever piece of scrap paper I find, I let go of any worries I may have and never try to turn the sketch into a masterpiece. I just draw. And the result are usually satisfying and sometimes quite interesting. Then there are times I'll go out and buy a high end sketchbook or some really nice paper, go to create something upon it, seize up, ruin the paper and have nothing to show for it, but a crappy drawing on really expensive paper. Arrgh, why take the risk? Why not just draw on scratch paper forever?

Well, I think we all know the answer to that. Without trying to draw on better paper I never will complete that elusive masterpiece. Without taking risks and attempting to be better, to do better, we'll never actually get to feel the sensation of overcoming something and creating something more than what we think we are capable of. I think it's the risk that creates the true reward.

Well, the voices in my head seem to have quieted down and I am feeling a little better now. Maybe Ill go ruin some nice paper before I go to bed.



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