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I'm not going to rant and on tonight because it's Saturday and I want to to get to sleep, but I did want to talk for a second about launching yourself out into the world and being afraid of what might happen.

It is scary to put yourself out there and try new things, but every now and then if you don't jump off that ledge you condemn yourself to standing there and watching the world go by.

It's like the scene in Butch Cassiday and the Sundance Kid, where we Paul Newman and Robert Redford are about to be caught by some lawmnen chasing them. They come to a point where it is shoot it out or jump off a cliff. They know that shooting it out gets them killed or jailed. So they jump. Scared as they may be, they jump. And they live to fight another day.

Not that I am condoning criminal behavior, but I am condoning, when you find yourself stuck in a corner why not jump? What do you have to lose. Go ahead and jump Based on the history of man my guess is you'll land in a better place.

But that's just me.



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